He was born in Trieste in 1991 and he started studying violin when he was six years-old, at the Glasbena matica school of Trieste, with M° M. Bitežnik (Philarmonic Orchestra of Lubjana).
He has taken part to many competitions, like Concorso Nazionale “TEMSIG” in 2006 (where he got the golden plaque at regional selections and the bronze one at national selections), the Concorso Internazionale “ITHAKA” (2007) and the 22nd Concorso Internazionale “Giovani violinisti” in Gorizia, where he got good outcomes. He also took part at Masterclasses in Bled (International Music Festival) with M° Brencè in 2002, Velenje (19. International summer violin school of Igor Ozim) with M° Ozim in 2009, Lubiana with M° Meljnikov, Trieste with M° Poulet, Cividale del Friuli with M° Belli and M° Rowland (2014) and Padova with M° Degani, at the "I Solisti veneti" Accademy, about the performance of Venetian music (2016).
At the beginning of A.A 2010/2011 he has been admitted at the Conservatory “Giuseppe Tartini” of Trieste, first with M° Selvaggio and then with M° Degani (I Solisti Veneti). He has recently got the Master level with the highest honors in violin.
With the String Orchestra of the Conservatory, in February 2012, he played in Rome at Quirinale Palace, with the presence of President Giorgio Napolitano.
With other orchestras he has been conducted by Maestros like A.
Fogliani, S. Kuret, Č. Šiškovič, B. Švara, S. Krečič, F. Pirona and G. Angeleri, playing as konzertmaister and, sometimes, as soloist.
He has been involved in many chamber music groups, with whom he took part to many Masterclasses (Prazak Quartet, M° Varema, M° Legiša) and he also played, in 2009, at the Brdo pri Kranju castle (Slovenia), with the presence of the highest authorities of Slovenian Government, and in important festivals, like "Mittelfest" (Cividale 2013) and "Nei Suoni dei Luoghi" (2014). From 2014 he plays in the “Chagall Quartet".